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Want to Help?  If you have a few minutes, contact us, and we will tell you how.

Email:   DitchtheDumpBondRd@gmail.com

★ When Hamilton County Commissioners first addressed this issue they stated they received more emails, letters, and calls about this issue than any other important matter before them. Let's keep reminding them how important this is to us, our community, and our future.

Want Another Way to Help?  Contact your state and local representatives to let them know our county cares about our community and the environment.

Want tips on how to write your email? https://www.planning.org/advocacy/toolbox/emails.htm

Governor Mike Dewine contact information PDF: https://www.gongwer-oh.com/public/133/govstaff.pdf

US House Representative from Ohio District 8 Warren Davidson's D.C. office phone number: (202) 225-6205

Commissioner Dumas

Commissioner Stephanie Summerow Dumas and Staff

Name Title Phone Email
Stephanie Summerow Dumas President of the Board (513) 946-4410 Stephanie.SummerowDumas@hamilton-co.org
Bobby Hilton Chief of Staff (513) 946-4409 Lewis.Hilton@hamilton-co.org
Kimberly Lee Administrative Assistant (513) 946-4410 Kimberly.Lee@hamilton-co.org
(513) 946-4444
Commissioner Reece

Commissioner Alicia Reece and Staff

Name Title Phone Email
Alicia Reece Vice President of the Board (513) 946-4401 Alicia.Reece@hamilton-co.org
Quentin Monroe Chief of Staff (513) 946-4402 Quentin.Monroe@hamilton-co.org
Vada Stephens II Director of Outreach (513) 946-4401 Vada.Stephens@hamilton-co.org
Commissioner Driehaus

Commissioner Denise Driehaus and Staff

Name Title Phone Email
Denise Driehaus Commissioner (513) 946-4406 Denise.Driehaus@hamilton-co.org
Kevin Tighe Chief of Staff (513) 946-4405 Kevin.Tighe@hamilton-co.org
Chris Harding Director of Public Affairs (513) 946-4406 Chris.Harding@hamilton-co.org
(513) 946-4444
Representative Cindy Abrams

Ohio District 29 State House Representative Cindy Abrams and Staff

Name Title Phone Email
Cindy Abrams Ohio District 29 Representative (614) 466-9091 rep29@ohiohouse.gov
Kylynne Johnson Legislative Aide / Research Assistant (614) 466-9091 Kylynne.Johnson@ohiohouse.gov
Megan Ryser Legislative Aide (614) 466-9091 megan.ryser@ohiohouse.gov
(614) 719-3583
Senator Louis Blessing III

Ohio District 8 State Senator Louis W. Blessing III and Staff

Name Title Phone Email
Louis Blessing III Ohio District 8 State Senator (614) 466-8068
(513) 977-8303
Maria Rimmel Senior Legislative Aide (614) 466-8068 Maria.Rimmel@ohiosenate.gov
Emily Balzer Legislative Aide (614) 466-8068 Emily.Balzer@ohiosenate.gov
(614) 719-3583
(614) 466-8261
US House Representative Greg Landsman

U.S. House Representative from Ohio District 1 Greg Landsman and Staff

Name Title Phone Email
Greg Landsman U.S. House Representative (202) 225-2216
(D.C. Office)
(513) 352-5232
(Cincinnati City Council Office)
Leslie Grubb Chief of Staff
(U.S. House of Representatives)
(202) 225-2216 leslie@landsmanforcongress.com
Barbara Bell Chief of Staff
(Cincinnati City Council)
(513) 352-5232 barbara.bell@cincinnati-oh.gov
Emma Treadway Scheduler (202) 225-2216 emma.treadway@mail.house.gov
Dominque Wardell Legislative Director (202) 225-2216 dominque.wardell@mail.house.gov
(202) 225-3012