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Ditch the Dump is a true grassroots group formed by a group of community members concerned about their health and that of their community. The Blue family in Bright Indiana stepped up and put skin in the game, so to speak, by standing up for the future of themselves and their neighbors. The movement took hold and was quickly joined by many members of both Ohio and Indiana. The smell and environmental hazards of a landfill knows no boundaries. The group quickly grew and today there are over 1,700 members of the Group - Bond Road Landfill Expansion Discussion Page. We have over 1,300 signatures stating that they oppose the future development of the Bond Road Landfill.

We are not alone. The Sierra Club Miami Group, the Oxbow Conservancy and the League of Women Voters have all committed to standing with us. There are also other groups who have worked on our behalf such as C.A.R.E (Child Advocacy for Rights & Equity, Inc.), who's founder has made great contributions to the fight and CROW (Citizens for Rights of the Ohio River Watershed) and many others.

Most recently, FairShake Environmental Legal Services, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit law firm with the mission to open the doors of environmental justice. They make our current actions possible.

There are many who worked tirelessly to keep the effort going and we have made huge progress. Without them none of this would have been possible.

You are the most important. You have written letters, emails, attending meetings and supported us in our mission. We need you now more than ever. Not only will you get to know some incredible people, but the knowledge of what is actually happening to our homes and how is simply amazing. Everyone of us has said over and over, I can't believe this.

For inquiries or to join in our efforts, e-mail: DitchtheDumpBondRd@gmail.com